A podcast off the tattoo table by Micah Riot.
Recently I happened to spend an exceptional Sunday morning with one of my friends. I participated in a 38-episode Ink Medicine Podcast created and hosted by Micah Riot.

Micah and I share a passion for tattoo craft, fine art, and the Bay Area! They did one of my tattoos years ago, but I admired their work for a while before that. I even picked their brain about apprenticeship when I moved to SF. Micah has more than 15 years of experience as a tattoo artist, owns a private studio, and hosts a very thought-provoking yet purposive podcast about the world of tattoos. It flatters me to be on the list of so many talented guests they already had!
We talked about my work, my private studio, and the perks of being a tattoo artist nowadays. We shared thoughts about our Slavic roots, relationships in the modern world, beauty standards, and more. It turned out to be an intimate talk, the kind you would have with your best friend during brunch. Check out the podcast to get to know me better.
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